
26' Dart Runabout Minnehaha on the Maumee, 1927.

26' Dart Runabout Miss Geneva on the Maumee, 2017.

26' Dart Runabout Minniehaha on the Dead Sea, circa 1935.

Pair of 26ft Darts built by the Indian Lake Boat Company, 1927.

1928 30ft Dart sedan "Chic II"

The Dart showroom on Madison Avenue in New York City, 1930.

Dependability Conclusively Proven ~ Dart Boats sold to the US Navy for
use as crash rescue boats.
use as crash rescue boats.

Lively boaters on Darts in England, 1931.

26' Silver Dart

1927 advertisement for Sterling marine engines, featuring a 26ft Dart.

26' Dart Runabout on Maumee River near the Anthony Wayne Bridge.
